Frequently Asked Questions



Yes. Once we grasp your aspirations, interests, and strengths, we will collaborate to brainstorm career possibilities and guide you in finding an educational path that aligns with your goals.

While we do not provide direct test preparation services, we can assist you in determining which exam suits your profile, goals, and program requirements. Additionally, we can advise you on the optimal timing for taking these tests and connect you with qualified tutors if necessary.

Absolutely! By assessing your current profile, we can offer suggestions on enhancing it through academic enrichment programs, professional development opportunities, and engagement in extracurricular activities. We’ll work together to create a well-rounded profile that showcases your strengths beyond the confines of GPA alone.

We take into account your goals, psychometric evaluation, academic interests, and non-academic pursuits to provide comprehensive guidance. We also provide recommendations for research opportunities, passion projects, internships, and a wide range of extracurricular activities. These may include community service involvement, creative arts engagement, and skill-building workshops. By engaging in these diverse activities, we help you develop a well-rounded and robust profile that showcases unique strengths and interests.

While we do not directly assist with internship placements, we can recommend experts and professional organizations that can help you in building your profile. These opportunities may involve academic and community involvement, research skill development, and application-based projects, among others.

Yes, we will understand your goals, assess your profile, and provide guidance to help you make an informed decision. We will consider factors such as your career aspirations, academic background, work experience, and personal interests to provide valuable insights and recommendations. We aim to empower you with the information you need to make a well-informed decision aligned with your goals and aspirations

Certainly! If you have been invited to interview with a university or are scheduling an interview during a campus visit, we can provide valuable assistance. We can conduct mock interviews, offer guidelines, share tips, and provide feedback to help you prepare effectively. Our goal is to ensure that you approach the interview with confidence and achieve a successful outcome.

Absolutely! We will collaborate with you to gain a deep understanding of your goals, interests, and strengths. Based on this information, we will brainstorm various career options and help you identify an educational degree that aligns with your aspirations. This process serves as the initial step towards creating a roadmap to find your ideal institution.

Absolutely! While we are based in Delhi NCR, we work with clients from around the world. Through the use of technology and a flexible work style, we have successfully assisted clients in India, US, UK, Dubai and Singapore.

At TEA, we provide guidance in choosing the ideal country/destination for your higher education journey. We understand that popular study destinations have distinct attributes, advantages, and specific requirements. We will collaborate with you to brainstorm and develop a strategic plan based on various factors. These factors include your personal goals, family circumstances, financial considerations, language and cultural considerations, academic performance, and individual interests. By considering these key aspects, we can help you make an informed decision about the most suitable study destination for you.

The ideal timing to connect with TEA varies depending on your age, educational needs, and goals. When it comes to undergraduate studies, we recommend engaging with us as early as grade 8 for pre-application strategy and profile development. College students and recent graduates can consult with us to strategize postgraduate options.

For undergraduate applicants in class 11, we recommend contacting us at least six months before the regular deadline, preferably by June 1. If you are considering early action or early decision, reaching out earlier is advisable.

Business school applicants with a minimum of 3 years of work experience should contact us by April 1 of the year they plan to apply.

We understand the importance of timelines and will work closely with you to ensure you receive the guidance you need at the right time.

Scholarships & Financial aid: The availability of scholarships and financial aid varies for international students depending on the country, institution, level of study, and program. At TEA, we specialize in identifying colleges and universities that offer need-based financial aid and scholarships. We can guide you in selecting institutions where you have the greatest chances of receiving financial support. We also provide assistance in reviewing your application forms to enhance your chances of securing scholarships and financial aid.
Visas: While we stay informed about immigration policies and requirements, we do not provide visa services ourselves. However, we can refer you to visa experts who have previously assisted our clients. We strongly recommend that applicants reach out to university admissions staff early in the process to seek guidance on visa matters. Additionally, country-specific government resources, websites, and local offices can provide up-to-date information on visa and travel-related concerns.

The process of applying to schools and colleges can be complex and nuanced. By working with an education consultant, you gain access to their expertise and insights in the field. Here are some reasons why using an education consultant can be beneficial:

  1. In-depth knowledge: Education consultants have extensive knowledge about various institutions, including their ethos, programs, and admission requirements. They can provide valuable insights and help you understand the intricacies of the application process.
  2. Personalized guidance: Consultants offer personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals. They can assess your profile, interests, and aspirations, and provide recommendations on suitable schools or colleges that align with your academic and career objectives.
  3. Application support: Consultants can assist you throughout the application process, offering guidance on preparing application materials, including essays, resumes, and recommendation letters. They can help you present your strengths effectively and increase your chances of acceptance.
  4. Admissions insights: Many education consultants have established relationships with admissions officers and are aware of the latest admissions trends. They can provide insider information and advice on how to make your application stand out from the competition.
  5. Time-saving: Navigating the application process can be time-consuming. An education consultant can streamline the process by providing a structured timeline, keeping you on track, and ensuring you meet important deadlines.

Overall, an education consultant can provide valuable support, expertise, and guidance, making the application journey smoother and increasing your chances of success.



It is advisable to start the planning process as early as possible, preferably during the final year of secondary school (10th standard) or even earlier. This will provide your child with ample time to conduct thorough research on potential universities, complete necessary applications, and gather all the required documents and test scores.

When creating a shortlist of colleges and universities, it is essential to be detailed in your approach. Begin by thoroughly investigating the admission criteria and requirements of each institution. This will enable you to ensure that your child meets the necessary eligibility criteria for each university. Creating a spreadsheet to track relevant information such as admission requirements, fees, scholarships, and other essential details can be extremely helpful. This will allow for easy comparison and evaluation of different universities.

To apply to colleges abroad, certain academic standards need to be met by the students. However, it is important to note that requirements may vary among different countries and universities. Therefore, it is crucial to research and understand the minimum academic standards expected by each institution. Good grades in English, Math and Science are usually required and encouraged. Additionally, some universities may require the completion of standardized tests like the SAT or ACT.

Scholarships for international students are gaining popularity as many countries strive to attract top talent from around the world. Get in touch with TEA to understand potential scholarship opportunities and the best means to avail them.

Yes, most Master’s degree programs worldwide do not require prior work experience. However, it’s important to note that some programs have become more competitive, and having one to three years of work experience can enhance your competitiveness as a candidate. TEA can provide you with guidance on the specific requirements and expectations of your desired programs to help you make an informed decision.

Certainly! Based on your interests and career objectives, you can explore master’s programs that differ from your undergraduate field of study. We can understand your requirements, provide information on various higher education options, suggest steps to deepen your understanding of the desired subject area and strengthen your profile.



College athletic recruiting plays a vital role for athletes aspiring to compete at the varsity level in college and represent their institution in intercollegiate competitions. During the recruiting process, coaches evaluate the athletic prowess and academic potential of prospective student-athletes, selecting them to join their teams. Additionally, athletic recruitment can serve as an avenue to avail scholarships based on athletic achievements and level.

The NCAA, which stands for National Collegiate Athletic Association, governs collegiate sports across various states and colleges in the United States. The NCAA categorizes colleges into divisions based on the number of athletic programs supported by each university. Division 1 colleges generally allocate more resources to their athletic programs compared to Division 3 schools. However, it’s worth noting that several Division 3 universities boast higher academic rankings than their Division 1 and 2 counterparts. Moreover, when coaches extend offers to athletes, the university admissions process becomes streamlined and more accessible.

To maximize opportunities, it is recommended to commence the recruiting process as early as possible. It is advisable to consult with TEA, since we can give personalized advice based on your specific circumstances.

The United States stands out as the only country worldwide with a robust college athletic presence and an extensive recruitment system that offers athletic scholarships to student-athletes. Other countries generally do not provide the same opportunities to be a full-time athlete while pursuing a full-time education.

Being a college athlete offers several notable benefits:

  • Increased exposure for personal and athletic development through access to top-notch coaching and training facilities, which can act as a valuable stepping-stone to pursue a professional career in your sport.
  • Strong academic support tailored to the needs of student-athletes eventually amounting to a college degree as a backup for future endeavors.
  • Development of essential time management skills.
  • Networking opportunities with successful alumni and potential professional network.

Feel free to reach out to TEA. We will be delighted to provide you with comprehensive information and guidance tailored to your specific needs and aspirations.


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