Who We Are

About Us

An education and personality management firm, dedicated to empowering talent, shaping leaders of tomorrow and facilitating college admissions, globally.

Our Purpose

At Tertiary Education Advisors [TEA], our purpose is to transform lives by empowering individuals to reach their full potential by providing exceptional higher education consultancy and mentorship services. We are passionate about guiding and empowering individuals to make informed decisions, unlock their potential, and achieve their academic and career aspirations.

We are dedicated to guiding our clients on their path to success, helping them navigate the complexities of the university/college education system and make informed decisions that align with their goals and aspirations, to get into the academic institution that suits them best.

Through personalized experiences and one-on-one mentorship, we aim to build strong relationships based on integrity, respect, and inclusiveness. By fostering innovation, we ensure our clients have access to the latest strategies and resources that will set them up for long-term success. Our ultimate goal is to make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of our clients, empowering them to thrive academically, professionally, and personally.



Scholarship Awarded To Our Clients So Far



Admission Success Rate

Our Values


Commitment to Quality - We are dedicated to providing the highest level of quality in every aspect of our higher education consultancy and mentorship services. We strive for excellence in our guidance, resources, and support, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service.


Client-Centered Approach - We prioritize the needs and goals of our clients, and our actions and decisions reflect our commitment to their best interests. Transparency, open communication, and ethical practices are at the core of our accountability framework.

Building Relationships through Integrity

We prioritize building strong relationships with our clients based on trust, transparency, and integrity. We always act ethically and honestly, placing our clients' interests above all else.

Respect and Inclusiveness

We foster an inclusive and respectful environment where every individual feels valued, heard, and supported throughout their educational journey.


We continuously strive to stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving educational landscape. By embracing innovative approaches and leveraging technology, we provide our clients with cutting-edge solutions and strategies.

Meet our Team

Our Founder & CEO

As an ex-aspiring professional tennis player and former NCAA Division 1 college student-athlete in the United States of America, Siddharth founded this firm to bridge the gap between talented individuals and abundant academic and professional opportunities. With firsthand knowledge of dedication, discipline, and commitment in both academics and sports, Siddharth's diverse work experience, spanning from startups to multinational corporations, within the higher education consulting space as well as other industries, equips him with the skills to effectively guide students. He brings a structured and solution-oriented thought process, coupled with critical and strategic thinking skills, providing personalised advice tailored to each student's unique needs and aspirations. Siddharth values efficient time management, meticulous goal planning, and the relentless pursuit of excellence through hard work.

Co- Founder & Head of Delivery and Strategy

Having been a student-athlete in the NCAA Division 2 college system in the United States, Ritwik partnered with Siddharth as a Co-founder to connect talented individuals with numerous academic and professional opportunities. Ritwik brings a wealth of firsthand experience in dedication, discipline, and commitment from his academic and athletic pursuits. His varied professional background includes roles in prominent technology firms, AI/ML startups, and education consulting, a field he is deeply passionate about.

Founding Member

Varda, a Division 2 college tennis player in the United States, majoring in Business Analytics, joined forces with Siddharth as a founding member to bridge the gap between talented individuals and a plethora of academic and professional opportunities. Her diverse professional background includes roles as a marketing head at an Indian startup and in the field of IT in the USA, showcasing her expertise in both business and technology domains. Passionate about leveraging technology to drive innovation, Varda is dedicated to empowering athletes and students to help secure scholarships and admissions across the globe.

Chief Marketing Officer

With three years of industry experience, transitioning into the higher education consulting space, Uditi specializes in crafting fast, flexible, and insights-driven content that captivates audiences and drives conversions. With a knack for storytelling and a focus on seamless integration of creative elements with compelling calls to action, she brings value to brands by creating engaging narratives that resonate deeply with their target market. Having previously owned a startup, Uditi intimately understands the intricacies of entrepreneurship and marketing, enriching her approach to content creation.


Learn Here The Main Reasons Why You Should Choose Us

Holistic Admissions Strategy

Our team employs a holistic approach to admissions, considering various aspects beyond academic achievements, such as extracurricular activities, personal experiences, and character traits. We assist clients in presenting a well-rounded profile that stands out to admissions officers.

Backward Breakdown

We help clients understand the admissions process by breaking it down into manageable steps. Our backward breakdown approach allows clients to set realistic goals and milestones from the ultimate goal (end point) to where they are currently (starting point), ensuring they stay on track and make informed decisions throughout the application journey.

Seamless Communication

We prioritise open and transparent communication with our clients. Our team is readily available to address any questions or concerns, providing timely updates and maintaining a seamless line of communication to ensure a smooth and efficient collaboration.

Specialized Storytelling and Profile Development

We understand the power of storytelling in applications. Our expertise and assistance lies in creating a captivating and distinctive narrative of your life story, that highlights your enthusiasm and reveals your skill sets and lessons, effectively demonstrating why you are a perfect fit for their institution.

Personalised One-On-One Guidance

Each client receives personalised attention and guidance tailored to their specific needs and goals. We believe in the importance of individualised mentorship, providing one-on-one sessions to address concerns, offer advice, and provide valuable insights throughout the application process.

Post application assistance and professional mentorship

Our comprehensive support goes beyond the application submission stage. This includes interview preparation, document arrangement, scholarship exploration, and assistance with additional requirements from universities. In addition, we offer professional mentorship that extends beyond the application process. We guide clients in their personal and academic growth, foster critical thinking skills, and provide valuable career advice, empowering them for long-term personal and professional success beyond admission.


Our Clients Have Been Accepted In

USA | Australia | Canada | Singapore | UK | Dubai | India


Success Stories


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